The anchovies are perhaps the most known species of blue fish, it is really common in the kitchens of all the world. As a matter of fact you can find this fish almost in all of the seas. A characteristic common to all the species called “blue fish” is the great nutritional value and the remarkable contribution in good fats, Omega 3 and Omega 6, their tasty meat offers. Another quality of the blue fish is that of having a reasonable purchasing price and therefore it is frequently used in the daily diets, all to the good of health.
Ingredients serving 4
500 gr. ridged pennette
500 gr. Anchovies without fishbone
half onion
1 clove of garlic
1 little bunch of celery
2 carrots
1 little bunch of parsley
500 gr. peeled tomatoes
half a glass of white wine
Extra-virgin olive oil (to Sauté)
Salt to taste
Chilli pepper to taste
Sauté in a big frying-pan the onion, the garlic, the celery, the carrots and the parsley all of them well chopped. Add the anchovies crumbling them. Add wine and simmer until evaporated, add the tomatoes and cook on a low heat. Boil the pennette just slightly firm, drain them and mix them in the frying-pan together with the meat sauce.
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