The recipe we are proposing you is a combining of sea and earth products. The taste of this course is very refined and extremely delicate. The pumpkin flowers are used in cooking in order to soften the taste of courses whose ingredients have a strong taste like fish.
The pumpkin flowers are also good, all alone stuffed with cheese and fried or in an omelette or cooked in a soup. The pumpkin flower is an all-able ingredient, very precious and a little bit expensive. The choreographic and decorative effect that it gives to the courses is very remarkable too. Its bold colors let the hot sun of Sicily, shine on our tables!
Serves 4
Gr. 500 spaghetti
Gr. 400 shelled shrimps
2 cloves of garlic
10 pumpkin flowers
1 chilli pepper
Extra-virgin olive oil
Salt to taste
Peel the clove, throwing away the hearth (this way it’s less indigestible) and mince it, throw away the chilli pepper top and seeds and put everything to sauté on a wide frying-pan. Throw away the chilli pepper and add the diced pumpkin flowers. As soon as the pumpkin flowers are well sauté, add the shrimps and cook for a couple of minutes.
Boil the pasta just slightly firm, strain it and stir it until creamy together with the seasoning.
Serve pouring a drizzle of oil.
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